Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Outdoor Games and Activities - An offer for Winter Holidays and More

Best Online Quran Classes

Outdoor games and activities are one of the basic forms of organizing the active recreation of children and adolescents in summer and winter during colonies, camps, and trips. Tajweed Classes Online is also a good option. For the sake of the comprehensive development of our pupils, games, and plays should be selected taking into account mind training, teaching orientation in the field, providing stronger emotions related to approaching or tracking. Their diversity should have a positive impact on the participants' overall fitness and performance. A well-planned arrangement of classes will create the opportunity to try your hand at overcoming various obstacles and difficulties.
Outdoor games and activities are also a good test of the personal culture and character of students. Truthfulness and discipline gain particular significance. Lack of these factors in the team may result in the failure of the entire undertaking.
Time allocated for outdoor games is also the right time for educational activities related to environmental protection. Children and young people must learn to respect the place where classes are conducted, to take care of its cleanliness, not to pick branches from trees, not to destroy moss, to behave quietly, etc. The proper conduct of field games requires a teacher to be very well prepared.


• scout the area where the classes will take place.
It should be a forest area, accessible to everyone, not colliding with arable fields, fences, buildings. The reconnaissance should be done with a compass to have an orientation around the world. Online Quran Classes in USA also doing good  It is good to make a sketch of the area with the characteristic points (roads, hills, etc.)
• plan the appropriate set of games and plays depending on the terrain, the time we have and the possibilities and age of the participants.
Usually, 2-3 hours are devoted to field games at camps and camps; in this case, the teacher must:
• selection of games and activities appropriate to the area of ​​classes and season,
• dividing the participants into two teams (2 or more) with an equal number of players and equal "forces",
• selection of judges,
• preparation of appropriate accessories,
• scoring on a regular basis,
• giving the final grade at the end of the class and summarizing the class.
Each team can choose a name associated with the forest, such as "European bison", "Porcini mushrooms" etc. And selects a captain who is accepted by the teacher.
When organizing a field game or play, the teacher should:
give her name and plot,
• put participants in the right mood. For example, in the game "On patrol" say that commandos landed in a nearby forest, who hid, and the task of the game participants is to find them - moving secretly and carefully observing the area.
• determine the territory of the game, separate the roles of players and teams, familiarize them with the rules,
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• provide signals: start, end and other contractual characters needed in a given game or game,
• specify the time of the game, place of its start and end, as well as how to determine the winner,
• make sure that the participants understand the principles of fun and games.
The teacher during field games should have:
• compass
• watch or stopwatch
• writing
implements • whistle